Import a Primavera P6 File Through Web Services

Use these steps to link to and import a Primavera P6 file through web services.

The first time you import projects from P6 Web Services, you set up a profile before selecting the projects to import. After that, as long as Acumen is able to connect to the URL in your previously selected profile, the wizard takes you directly to the Project Selection screen (step 9 below) where you can select projects to import or click the Back button to select a different profile or to change or remove search criteria.

To link to and import a Primavera P6 file through web services, complete the following steps:

  1. Click to display the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Open to open an existing workbook or click New to create a new workbook.
  3. Select the S1 // Projects tab.
  4. In the Get External Data From group, click the Oracle Primavera drop-down arrow, and select Single or Multiple Projects from P6 Web Services to start the P6 Web Services Import Wizard.
    • If you already have at least one profile defined, the Project Selection page displays. If this is the case, skip to step 8.
    • If you do not have any profiles defined, the Edit Profile page displays. Continue to step 5.
  5. On the Edit Profile page, enter or select the following information:
    • P6 URL, for example, http://<servername>:8206/pwa. You can use http or https - whichever the server supports.
    • Authentication Type: Select Auto-Detect, Cookie, or User Token.
    • DB#: Enter the P6 database number. Your P6 Administrator can give you this information.
  6. Click Refresh. If you are creating a new profile, Acumen asks for your username and password. After you type them in and click OK, Acumen verifies that it can connect with the server and refreshes the list of databases in the Database field.
    If you get any errors when you refresh, see P6 Web Services Import Wizard Troubleshooting.
  7. In the Database field, select the database to which you want to connect and click Next.
  8. On the Profile Selection and Project Filter page, you can add, edit, or remove a profile if needed and then do one of the following:
    • Select the profile that you wish to use and click Next.
    • Select the profile that you wish to use, enter filter criteria into the Project Filter field, and click Next.

      Entering filter criteria reduces the number of projects listed and improves performance. The criteria that you enter is associated with the selected profile. That is, if you select a different profile, you can enter a different filter for that profile. The next time you import a project from P6 Web using the same profile, the list of projects is automatically filtered using the data entered into this field. To remove the filter, delete the criteria from this field.

  9. On the Project Selection screen, use the EPS or Flat View tabs to select the projects you wish to import and click OK. If you want to select a different profile, or you want to change or remove the filter criteria, click the Back button to access the Profile Selection and Project Filter page.
    After you click OK, if the Automatically Import Schedules option on the Deltek Acumen Options Platforms (General) tab is selected, the project is automatically imported into Acumen. If the option is not selected, the project is linked to Acumen, and your next step is to import the project data into Acumen.
  10. After you add your project links or import the data, you can choose to:
    • Add snapshots to projects.
    • Convert snapshots to projects.
    • Merge multiple data sources into a single dataset.
    You can add and convert snapshots and merge data sources at any time, before and after you import your data.
Post-requisites: When you have completed the steps, if the Automatically Import Schedules option is not selected, your next task is to import your project data.